Simple Steps for a Successful Sponsorship Activation  

Local brands prefer sponsorship activation to connect with their audience and get customer data for marketing tactics. If a business is looking to target a specific geographical area, it’s hard to neglect the potential of sponsorship activations. FACT: P&G and Coca-Cola are spending $1.95 billion alone as sponsors of the 2020 Summer Olympics, which is … Read more

How Should E-commerce Prices be Quoted: in Local Currency, Euros or US Dollars?

This is a question that many new e-commerce entrepreneurs puzzle over, as e-commerce markets are global. Here are a few pointers to consider Quoting prices in the local currency serves as protection against fluctuations in the exchange rate, which are presented between the local currency and a different commercial currency. However, your local currency may … Read more

5 Types of marketing services in Hawaii

Marketing is one of the trends in the field of business through which several enterprises boost their confidence, attract more customers, retain existing customers and thus end up making more sales which translate to a drastic increase in their profit margins. There are several firms in Hawaii which provide different marketing services to businesses with … Read more