Simple Steps for a Successful Sponsorship Activation  

Local brands prefer sponsorship activation to connect with their audience and get customer data for marketing tactics.

If a business is looking to target a specific geographical area, it’s hard to neglect the potential of sponsorship activations.

FACT: P&G and Coca-Cola are spending $1.95 billion alone as sponsors of the 2020 Summer Olympics, which is delayed due to COVID-19.

Check out simple steps presented by Burst Marketing to run successful sponsorship activation.

  1. Define your Objective:

Without goals, you can’t activate your sponsorship and grow your business. Firstly recall the goals that you want to achieve through the sponsorship. Predefined goals will help you ensure your marketing goals are met, and you made result-driven efforts throughout the sponsorship campaigns. Furthermore, it will also help you target specific audiences during the event and populate your brand through direct sales, brand awareness, and various giveaways.

  1. Find Best Way to Activate Your Sponsorship: 

There are different ways to activate sponsorship during the event. Whether you want to install a separate booth in a prominent area of the event, or simply add your brand logo on the event banner & hoardings. For digital activation, you can run social campaigns to promote your business and get a new user base. However, for physical activation, you have ample options to choose from.

  1. Strategize Your Activation: 

Once your sponsorship activation is selected, its time to strategize the right way to get maximum benefit. Unless you take the most out of sponsorship activation, your investment and efforts are worthless. Start coordinating with the organizing team, promote your presence through social media, and try to make a substantial impact on the visitors. Furthermore, don’t forget to consider robust marketing tools that will help you later connect with visitors.

  1. Determine Your KPI:

To measure your output and Return on Investment, you must define your KPIs that will help you track whether you have reached your expectations or not. Proper alignment between your goals and sponsorships is vital to ensure you made the right decision and has boosted your brand well. However, in case of loss, you must analyze what KPIs you have missed that resulted in low (or no) results.

  1. Get Appropriate Permissions:

Now, you are ready to implement your sponsorship activation and promote your brand. If required, you can also add Ambassador Campaigns alongside sponsorship activations to boost your ROI. Remember, for ambassador campaigns; you must plan in advance to take advantage of sponsorships. Else, neither of your investment will benefit your investment and efforts.

  1. Time To Execute:

When everything is on track, it’s time to activate your sponsorship and entertain the visitors alongside promoting your business. How you perform on during the event will make an impact on your outcome. Hence make sure you target a predefined audience and achieve sponsorship goals.

To get the maximum outcome, it is also essential to give something to the visitors. Offerings, giveaways increase footfalls at your booth/doorstep and deliver you exactly what you planned for the sponsorship.

What more do you think can help in getting maximum ROI and running successful sponsorship activation?

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