Digital Marketing Strategies to Attract more Traffic and Increase Sales

Having a strong online presence is a crucial factor affecting your business. You can check out this page for ways on how to boost your brand in the market. Whether it’s attracting new customers to your webpage or driving sales from the existing visitors, these 5 tried and tested digital marketing tactics can help you draw more traffic and spike sales.

  1. Paid Social Media Ad Campaigns

Paid social media Ad campaigns can help marketers create tailor-made ads based on their target audience, relevant interests, behavior, location, and more. This enables you to directly target the audience that is most likely to click through and purchase your products. Some of the most popular platforms offering these services include Facebook Dynamic Ads, Promoted pins on Pinterest and Instagram Ads. Paid campaigns on Facebook serve a great deal in bringing customers to products that they’ve already looked at or added to their carts. Instagram ads, on the other hand, prove most effective with Millenials and Pinterest plays a key role in the purchasing decisions amongst niche groups like DIY crafts, home decor, and fashion.

  1. Online Influencers

By reaching out to relevant influencers in your industry, you can open your online product and services to a wide range of new audiences. Influencers can be Bloggers, social media celebrities, YouTubers and other influencers that have built a huge online gathering. To make the most of this strategy, marketers must undergo a thorough research on the leading online influencers in their industry, their platform of advertisement and a study of their past promotions. The strategy has proven to be especially effective with Millenials and Gen Z consumers whose consumption behavior is actively influenced by social media stars from Instagram, YouTube, and

  1. Incentives and Contests

While paid Ad campaigns and online influencers can help marketers draw sales in the longer run, viral contests, giveaways, and sweepstakes can yield instant results. By leveraging powerful incentives like discount offers or rewards, marketers can drive old and new customers to visit their store. Tools like Gleam or Woobox for example can help you embed giveaways into landing pages or promotional posts on your store. One of the best features about these contests is that they allow social sharing as a method of entry, offering your sweepstakes a higher virality and shareability across social media platforms. To make the most of this strategy, make sure your contests are curated according to your target audience that is likely to buy the product.

  1. Fake Urgency

Another great way to draw instant sale is by creating a sense of urgency among your customers. Believe or not Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO) can drive a lot of potential leads into instant sales if you exploit the urgency factor judiciously. One of the ways to achieve the former is by offering time bound rewards and discount coupons that can only be availed prior to a certain date. You can also offer free membership upgrade or bonuses if visitors make a purchase within a certain time frame. The best place to showcase this urgency is at the end of your sales letter, near the call to action.

  1. Automated Follow Up

A common mistake that most businesses often commit is undermining the importance of following up with their customers and subscribers. With autoresponders like automated emails, marketers can generate more sales from old and new customers. With existing customers, follow-up emails can include suggestions of “backend” products relating to their original purchase. Whereas for new subscribers who haven’t made a purchase yet, a follow-up email presents an opportunity to restate your offer and incentivize sale.

To make the most of these digital marketing strategies, it’s best if you follow “split testing” approach under which you test one method at a time to know exactly which change altered the results. Once you split your target audience into two groups and test desired strategies at the same time, you can compare the results and advance accordingly.

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