What Makes JBK Different From Other Custom Formulation Manufacturers

Since 2012, JBK Wellness has been creating health and cosmetic products exclusively for our clients based on their specific needs through custom formulation. Custom formulation is a very specialized field in the manufacturing industry and accounts for just 6% of the $2 billion personal care custom manufacturing industry. Because custom formulation is a relatively small industry, it is important to understand what differentiates manufacturers within the market.

Here at JBK Wellness, our focus on customized wholesale herbal products, expertise in eastern herbal medicine, and collaborative manufacturing practices makes us unique to other custom formulation manufactures and the best source for herbal extracts and custom formulations that can optimize your health.

Experts in Eastern Herbal Medicine

Traditional eastern herbal medicine is one of the oldest forms of medical theories in the world. Based on ancient Taoist philosophy, which views the body and mind as a unified entity, eastern medicine emphasizes a holistic approach that treats the whole person, not just the disease. Millions of people have used the tools of eastern herbal medicine over the past 5,000 years to maintain optimum health and treat physical, psychological and emotional ailments.

Dr. Jenelle Kim, DACM, L.A.c, the Founder & Chief Formulator of JBK Wellness Labs, has been studying eastern herbal medicine for over a decade. Determined to teach people how to incorporate the power of eastern philosophy into western lifestyles, Dr. Kim continues to preserve the medical history of her family, and further her love of medicine and her understanding of the human mind and body. Dr. Kim completed extensive training in East Asia under some of the most respected doctors in the field of Oriental Medicine and is the custodian of her family’s proprietary Bi Bong formulas.

JBK specializes in Bi-Bong™ herbal extracts. These are specific herbal formulations that have been handed down for centuries through a family lineage, and which were once only available to the royal families of East Asia. What makes the formulas special and truly healing is not the individual herbs, but the wisdom of how to combine those herbs and special extraction methods to create a balanced formula that works optimally with the body.

Under Dr. Kim’s leadership and with the help of our unique Bi-Bong™ herbal extracts, JBK Wellness has become one of the leading manufacturers in custom eastern herbal medicine formulation.

Customized Wholesale Herbal Products

The JBK Wellness Labs philosophy extends beyond creating formulas for health and beauty care retailers and spas. Our mission is to open the door to the healthiest, most youthful, and rejuvenated condition possible through the use of customized wholesale herbal products.

Through the use of plants, roots, leaves, flowers, fruit and seeds, the healing power of each of the 1,800 herbs in our pharmacopeia are usually combined with other herbs into individually produced formulas that can be used to treat a variety of health conditions.

Every herbal ingredient is classified according to its energetic quality and function upon different organ systems, meridians and neuro-hormones. The purest and most effective herbal ingredients are used in different quantities and for different purposes in order to create the most proficient formula.

In a single formula, adaptogenic herbs are assigned different tasks that result in multiple physiological changes that balance the entire body to both eliminate immediate symptoms, as well as tackle the root cause of the condition.

Some of the products we can make with our formulas include:

  • Cosmetics
  • Dietary supplements
  • Body & skin care
  • Topical gels and salves
  • Hair care
  • Personal care

Collaborative Manufacturing

At JBK Wellness the customer always comes first. Each of our clients are unique and different and so are their health needs. We offer collaborative manufacturing in which we provide product consultations to our customers prior to the manufacturing process in order to help you find the ideal formulation. During this consultation we will get a better understanding of your current health problems, allergies, pre-existing conditions, desired outcomes, and prior experience with herbal extracts. This process helps us to truly customize our formulas to fit your specific needs and biological make-up.

The Difference

JBK Wellness is not just an ordinary custom formulation manufacturer. We are founded on family wisdom that has been passed down for centuries and the belief that the mind, body and spirit all work together to create optimum health. Through collaborative manufacturing, we are equipped to create customized herbal products that are tailored to each customers’ specific needs. To learn more about our products, contact us at  (858) 263-4178 or info@JBKWellnessLabs.com.

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