What Makes Compliance Training Different?

There are different types of training programs that can be utilized in an organization. Among others, one of the most important is compliance training. Like the others, the main intention is to improve the knowledge of the employees. But it is quite different than other training programs in terms of the specific areas that are covered.

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What Exactly is Compliance Training?

In its simplest sense, compliance training refers to training employees about the law, policies, and regulations that are relevant in their jobs. According to The eLearning Industry, a successful compliance training strategy is tailor-fitted to the needs of the audience, refreshes continuously, and has a multi-pronged approach, among other elements that will make it effective.

What Makes It Different?

In traditional training programs that are implemented in an organization, the goal is to improve the skills of the employees. For instance, if there is a new system that will be rolled out, the goal of the training is to let employees know how to use it. Conventional training programs are geared towards improving the sales and marketing skills of the employees, among other specific job functions. In contrast, compliance training is aimed at allowing the employees to learn the philosophies of the organization, as well as the ethical and legal frameworks that affect its operations. To be more specific, the following are the areas that are covered in compliance training:

  • Sexual Harassment: From CEOs to employees at the bottom rank, sexual harassment is common in the workplace. Through compliance training, it will be easier to determine what constitutes sexual harassment and the best courses of action that are possible.
  • Workplace Safety: It is important to be familiar with the safety practices in the workplace, especially in environments where there are high risks, such as in a construction site.
  • Workplace Ethics: This type of compliance training program will inform the employees about ethical behavior in the workplace. This also entails the need to talk about company culture so that employees will know the best way to behave.
  • Cybersecurity: With this compliance training, the members of the workforce will be informed about the best practices to minimize cybersecurity threats.
  • Diversity and Sensitivity: Cultural sensitivity is important in the workplace. Therefore, employees should be trained on how they can be part of a diverse and sensitive community.

In sum, compliance training is a must in any organization. It can be executed in a number of ways, such as through in-classroom training or using e-learning software. Even with just reading compliance blogs, employees will learn what it means to work in such a way that they adhere to the laws and policies. And, as it has been noted above, it is different from traditional training programs, especially because of the areas that are covered.

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