Migrants and ‘Migrants law for economic reasons’

What does the law provide for migrants for economic reasons? In Italy the legislation is very complex and controversial regarding immigration and residence permits. Perhaps also for this reason it is always necessary to turn to an immigration law firm Italy to be able to follow the bureaucratic procedures according to law.


The foreigner enters Italy and can reside on the spot if part of an employment contract that allows him to be financially supported. After entry, the residence permit must be requested within eight days. In this case, the document lasts two years for permanent employment relationships, up to one year in other cases. The law provides for a one-year residence permit for immigrants who lose their job and has increased the number of years (from five to six) needed to obtain a residence card (the requirement was subsequently brought back to five years for the adaptation to a European directive).


Many years ago Bossi-Fini demanded that the fingerprints of immigrants be registered when the residence permit was issued or renewed. At the same time, restrictions were placed on the possibility of protection in the event of refoulement and increased the maximum detention time in temporary detention centers from 30 to 60 days. The cap was established up to a maximum of 180 days from the 2009 security package.


Irregular immigrants without a residence permit but with valid identity documents are expelled from the country administratively. Which involves accompanying the border by the public force? Irregular immigrants but without valid identity documents are taken to temporary stay centers (established by the Turkish-Napolitano law and subsequently renamed as identification and expulsion centers, CIE), in order to be identified and then rejected.


Law 15 July 2009 number 94 (the so-called security package) had introduced the crime of illegal immigration. The offense was punishable by a fine of five thousand to ten thousand Euros for the foreigner who illegally enters Italian territory. On April 2, 2014, a delegated law approved by parliament gave the government 18 months to issue a legislative decree that decriminalized illegal entry and stay. To date, however, there is still a lack from a regulatory point of view.

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