Why Investing in Quality Computer Desk Furniture Is The Right Decision

It is increasingly common for people today to spend a lot of time staring at a computer screen for work. However, despite spending a huge amount of their time there, most people don’t pay much attention to the quality of their work space. If you have a job that involves a lot of computer use, you owe it to yourself to invest in quality office furniture. Read on to learn how to choose a quality computer desk setup that will protect you from injury.

Most people don’t think of low quality furniture as a safety hazard, but ergonomic issues is one of the leading causes of work-related injury in the U.S. A desk that is not ergonomic can lead to musculoskeletal disorders, also known as MSDs. These can be wrist injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome, joint injuries like affecting the shoulders or elbows, spinal problems affecting the neck or back, or a number of other debilitating disorders. An MSD can make it painful, difficult, or impossible to work a full day at a computer, leading to a loss in revenue.

The solution to risks like these is ergonomic office furniture. Ergonomics is the practice of matching the tools you use with your body to make them safe and efficient to use. In the context of a computer setup, ergonomic involves studying the optimal posture to avoid placing strain on the user’s muscles and joints.

People usually know that things like the type of chair you use can have a big effect on whether a working environment is healthy. However, the desk is often an overlooked aspect of a healthy computer station, despite being so central. Investing in quality computer desk furniture is fundamental to a safe work environment. Read on to find out how to choose a desk that will help you to avoid debilitating workplace injury.

When looking for the right office desk furniture for you, there are a number of things to consider. Your desk should work together with your chair and computer monitor to provide a setup that works optimally with your frame to encourage good posture.

To choose a desk…meet Desk View, that is the right height, adjust your office chair so that your feet comfortably rest on the ground with your thighs parallel to the floor. The desk should allow your forearms to also be parallel to the floor while using the keyboard. This is the optimal height for your desk. By having a desk that fits your body, you will reduce the strain your body experiences. This strain is hard to notice but can add up to serious injury over time.

Look for a desk that includes a keyboard tray. By bringing the keyboard out toward you, you can eliminate strain caused by trying to reach forward to the keyboard. A good, solid, easy to use keyboard tray is one of the biggest features present in a quality ergonomic computer desk.

The best computer desks also have a way to mount your monitor on an arm, rather than letting it rest on the desk surface. This has a number of benefits. First, having full control of the angle and height at which your monitor sits will allow you to find the optimal ergonomic position for your monitor. Your monitor should sit 20 to 30 inches away from your eyes, with the top of the monitor at eye level. The monitor should be angled slightly up, so that it is facing directly toward your face. A monitor mounting arm lets you achieve this easily, as well as giving you more desk space under your monitor for working with paperwork or anything else you may need on your desk.

Standing desk capability is a great way to improve productivity by allowing you to selectively sit or stand. Sitting for long periods of time has been shown to have lasting health benefits. The ability to change your posture without interrupting your work flow is a great way to maintain your health and productivity at the same time.

The optimal standing desk setup will be tailored specifically to your height. Again, the most important thing is to check your elbow height. A standing desk should allow you to stand straight up and have your forearms parallel with the floor while you are using the keyboard. A standing/sitting desk that allows you to adjust the height of the desk while standing is the ideal solution.

In addition to ergonomics, there are some other amenities you can look for in a quality computer desk that will help with your workflow and productivity. Storage space is a top concern for a desk. If you have a lot of files and office supplies to keep track of, built in desk drawers are a great way to organize your space. If you are often away from your desk setup and it is located in a public office, it may be good to look for locking storage options to keep private files or personal items private.

Aesthetics are also a big deal. Look for a desk that complements your existing room design. Having a cohesive, attractive office setup can be a big boost to your mental health and confidence. It will also impress coworkers, clients, or anyone else who visits your work space. Investing in a desk made of a nice material like real varnished wood can make a big statement with your office space.

If you, like many people, spend a lot of time on the computer for your work, you owe it to yourself to invest in quality office furniture. One of the most overlooked aspects of a functional, comfortable office is a quality desk. Getting a desk that allows you to sit with optimal posture can be a big factor in staving off injury that can cripple your productivity. If you spend hours a day using something, you owe it to yourself to invest in quality, and computer desk furniture is no exception. Look for a quality desk today and see the difference it makes in your work.

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