Tips for Using Promotional Merchandise Effectively

Just because you decide to use promotional merchandise to give away to your target audience does not mean it will be useful. You can’t expect people to patronise your company immediately. You still need to use these products effectively to ensure that your target audience will appreciate them.

Start giving products to your employees

The people working for you also have family and friends. Prioritise them in handing out these products. They will also feel proud using the products because someone from their family works for the company. Besides, before you even think of making other people happy, start at home. You need to make your employees feel satisfied and rewarded. After all, the goal of giving these products is to pay people and retain loyalty. You might as well start close to home.

Prioritise your current customers

You might say that you already have a set of loyal customers, so there is no need to advertise to them. It is untrue. Even if they already buy your products, it does not mean you will forever retain their loyalty. They could quickly jump to other companies that will offer them something better. These current customers already have a reason to choose you. With free merchandise, you can soon seal their loyalty.

Build a positive relationship

Don’t merely give these products like you are giving them to anyone out there. You need to come up with a plan to make people feel special the moment they receive the products. For instance, you can send them via postal mail. When they open the mailbox, they will not only receive a card from your company; they get something more. The element of surprise helps in increasing their preference for your company. Another suggestion is to give the products to customers who recently bought items from your store. You can keep the products in the bag along with the actual things they purchased.

Join trade shows

You can join trade shows and exhibits if you want to increase the chances of meeting people and establish a relationship with them. At these events, you can expect new and recurring customers to drop by. When they go inside the place, they don’t necessarily expect anything. They want information from businesses that participate. If they are going home with something extra, it means a lot to them. They will not forget the company that gave them something important. It is also a way of saying thank you to them for dropping by your booth even if there are a lot of other companies they could visit.

After determining how to distribute the promotional products effectively, the next step is to evaluate the effectiveness. Did people like what you gave them? Did it help increase your sales? You need to find out if you should change your strategy moving forward, or if you should retain the same tactic. You can look for experts at since they have years of experience in dealing with promotional products.





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