What Components Are Needed to Develop Paint?

Paint is used for a whole range of purposes, from decorating walls to creating packaging to colouring and protecting vehicles. But have you ever considered what goes in to creating a new paint colour? Paint can be utilised for a whole range of functions other than decoration – it can also create a protective layer and even sanitise surfaces. If you are considering developing your own paint for business or personal reasons, there are a number of elements you will need to consider. Besides from how to get the colour itself, there are other elements which will affect the qualities of the paint and its usefulness. Here we will take a look at what paint is made up of.

What Is Paint Made Up Of?

Paint is made up for four key components, each of which are necessary to create the final product. Here, we will take a look at each of these and their role in formulating paint.

  1. Pigment

The first component is the pigment, which provides the colour. These pigments usually consist of chemical components such as oxides, each of which produces a different tone and can be mixed accordingly. However, what many people do not realise is that these particles tend to clump together and so they must be treated in order to create a particle size that allows for a smooth paint surface. This process must be carried out using a specialised mill, in processes such as large scale three roll milling, which uses force to refine the particles into their ideal sizes. For professional ink and paint manufacturers, it is necessary to find a professional service with the appropriate machinery to carry out this task.


  1. Resin

Secondly, paint requires a resin. This component is necessary in order to offer adhesion by binding the particles together once they are applied to a surface. There are many different types of resin which can be applied for different purposes and situations, including acrylics and alkyds.


  1. Solvent

The solvent is necessary in order to carry the resin and pigments. It often comes in the form of water or other natural ingredients.


  1. Additives

Additives can be added to affect the particular properties of a paint. These can include sanitary elements such as mould prevention, or additives to encourage fast-drying. They may also include resistance to scuffs, and anti-climb elements. In addition, additives can be utilised to make for smoother brushing or ease of application.

Creating a New Colour

If you are a paint supplier looking to create a new colour, there are services available who can simply manufacture your product, or who can help to develop a paint from ingredients you source. By combining different elements, you can develop an entirely individual colour which can be manufactured en masse. There are also often colour-matching services in larger paint stores, which can be utilised for smaller home-based projects if you have a particular colour in mind. Whatever your project may be, by enlisting the help of a professional service you can ensure you get the perfect colour with the ideal properties.



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