Considerations When Creating Public Decking

There are many considerations when creating public decking and we will go through a few points to try and guide you through these.  If you are developing an outdoor commercial public space and require a durable outdoor flooring solution that will endure heavy foot traffic while also looking stylish, then decking is the most obvious solution for your needs.

Location, Location, Location

You will need to establish where the decking will be used and located.  Country rural applications have a lot of different requirements to think about compared to urban environments.  Urban areas where consideration is required for pushchairs, wheelchairs, and trip risk then a non-slip board is a lot more suitable.  You need to also think about whether the decking will be ground level or elevated.  If it is elevated, then you will have to also have grab and handrails for the safety of your customers installed.


Your decking needs to be accessible to everyone, including the elderly and wheelchair users.  Ramps for the decking will have to be installed if they are needed.  Non-slip options of decking are the safest types to use so that you are considering your customer’s needs, as you do not want any injuries or accidents happening.


It is safe to say that any commercial public decking project requires a non-slip element to it.  So, it is better to buy the non-slip boards straight away rather than having to fit anti-slip protection after you have installed the decking.  It will be an investment, but this will save you money in the end.

Carried Out By A Professional

Always check that your installer of decking is certified by the Construction Skills Certification Scheme.  Make sure they are a well-respected company and do your research to make sure you employ the right ones.

Timber Decking

According to Andrew from non-slip decking company Rubadeck “Timber decking is a popular choice for many public spaces.  But to select the right kind of decking depends on many different things.”

Timber decks are a fairly low maintenance solution apart from an annual clean, although they are not slip resistant.  Timber decking is also known to warp and split so maintenance, in the long run, can be expensive and time consuming to a commercial property.  If you are choosing decking in the food industry such as a restaurant etc then you will have to think about other factors.  Such as, how easy will it be to clean food and debris from the decking and could that trapped food create an unnecessary slip risk to your customers?  Therefore, a smoother resin-based board would be easier to clean with no-slip risk to anyone.

Building Regs

In commercial spaces, you should also check your building regulations and check whether you need planning permission to build the decking you require.  It may also apply to your business if it infringes on neighbouring properties and if it reduces the value of their properties too.  If you do need planning permission it will give the individuals the choice to view and possibly object to the plans.

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