Tips for Custom Tradeshow Booth Displays

Effective exhibition booth displays are built around themes. Themes are the focal points upon which campaign messages, graphics, slogans and brand-related ads evolve. It is, therefore, recommended that you spend the bulk of your energy and resources in coming up with custom tradeshow booth displays instead of adopting the generic designs people are used to seeing in each and every tradeshow.

Consider the following tips towards achieving this endeavor in your designs:

Begin with a story

It is because of good stories that people manage to stay awake until dawn watching Netflix or finishing up a novel. You should use a similar tactic in designing tradeshow booth displays so that you tell a story that will be engaging and addictive to visitors attending the show.

Include campaign elements in the theme

Coming up with a custom booth display is a worthwhile investment, and as such, it is advisable not to only focus it on one particular show, or for just one event. Make the design in such a manner that you can use it for upcoming events, and it will remain appealing to audiences in other places. It is also a good idea to incorporate the theme in pre and post-show newsletters, signage, and interactive games.

Use staff to further the theme

While thinking about the custom tradeshow booth display, don’t forget that effectiveness and true customer engagement is pegged upon informed and enthusiastic booth staff. Teach your booth staff about the importance of playing along with the theme, and be sure that you hire professional staff who will understand all the aspects of booth promotions.

Be keen on the details

Weeks, or even a month before the show, set up your custom booth display, and ensure that everything is prepared as per your plans. Setting up early is vital, since, if you had skipped out on certain elements, you will have time to make revisions before the day of the event.

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