Five Social Media Tips for Motor Trade Businesses

Social media today affects how motor trade businesses work. Here are five suggestions to help your business thrive using different platforms.

1. Is Social Media for You?

Large brands interact massively with their target market online. Self-employed and SME motor trade businesses can follow suit and promote themselves on social media.

2. Claim a Google+ Page

Featuring high up on Google’s search results drives traffic to your website. To boost your rankings, claim your Google+ page – it’s easy to register your company.

Your page can equal a large company’s visually. However, your tone and content can be much more engaging and friendly.

3. Get a Twitter Account

Every company should join Twitter. Sign up, then create an account which is visually striking. Next you need to seek out and hold on to followers. Consider the following:

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– Decide how you want to use Twitter.
– Aim for no more than two tweets daily, and retweet only relevant topics.
– Employ Google’s keyword tool for finding keywords relevant to your business.
– Choose #hashtags for your tweets (no more than two per tweet).
– Set up Twitter lists for relevant conversations.

See Twitter’s guide on using the network to market your company.

Motor trade insurance is available from firms such as Quotemetoday.

More tips for motor traders are here:

4. Devise a Facebook Profile

Facebook is the world’s most popular social media network, with billions of users. Your current and possible customers are all using it. Why not target them?

Create a profile that looks good. You can then begin advertising to your target market. Adverts can be filtered by criteria such as age, gender, interests and location.

Show customer reviews to local businesses and promote motor trade industry awards. You can use Facebook to promote the unique services you offer and hold discussions online. Pictures of new stock can also be displayed.

5. Put Social Media Icons On Your Website

Your website can link to all your social media platforms – have each platform’s logo at the head and foot of your site to gather attention. (Be sure that each image leads to your company’s page.) Customers will click through and hopefully decide to follow your business.

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