Customer Retention hacks to Increase productivity

The customer retention programs that you use should be made so that you can keep your customers around for many years to come. You are trying to create a simple way for people to come back to your company and feel like they are an important part of the company. You are investing in the company in a big way, and you need to be sure that you have found a way to retain customers that will be cost-effective because that will make life simpler.

  1. Customer Events

Customer events are like parties that you can hold at your space, and you will find that you could use the customer events as a way to get people to come out and partake in the sales that you have going. They get to know your company and your staff, and they will show you what they need. You could start buying much better products for customers based on this, and you can increase volume while also lowering prices for customers. Everyone wins, and the customer wants to come back because they know that you are listening to them.

  1. Social Media Sales

Social media sales are interesting because you can entice people to follow your company on social media so that they can become more and more interested in the way that you are releasing products or holding events. They can see all the updates that you point on social media, and you also need to be sure that you have given your followers on social media better discounts because they have earned that through following you on social media.

  1. Buy One Get One

You might not think that this is a customer retention program, but you can get rid of old products while showing your customers that you do not mind giving them a discount. Be sure that you have found a way to make the best possible choices for these products, and post these sales every couple months so that your customers get jolted back into following your company.

  1. Customer Loyalty Programs and ROI

You will find that you could use the loyalty programs to give back points that your customers convert into prizes, or you could give them cashback on purchases. You might offer prizes with every purchase, or you might give tiered discounts that customers get if they start by buying a certain thing. Never forget to measure the ROI that you do on such programs. You need to calculate the ROI on loyalty programs because that will make it easier for you to manage your expectations of each program. Calculating ROI will also help you manage the future funding and expectation from the same.

  1. Online Customer Points

You could have an online customer points system that will help you make the best choices for the business. You could see how many points people have in their accounts, and you can send them suggestions for their next purchase based on how many points they have or what they have bought in the past.

  1. Advertising

You have to advertise your company no matter how popular you think it is. Your customers are constantly bombarded with advertising from other companies, and they could change their allegiances at any time. You also need to be sure that you have advertised on the radio because that is where most people consume media. They might not have time to sit in front of the TV, but they will hear the radio in the car.

  1. Email Marketing

You need to be sure that you have sent out email marketing to all your customers, and you will find that your customers get very interested in the way that they can buy from you when all they have to do is read an email and click a link.


Someone who is sending out the right emails or advertising correctly will have happier customers. You can hold customer events and give them the best discounts. Someone who wants to retain more customers needs to be sure that they have worked out a plan that will include social media events and loyalty programs that will pay your customers back. You need to be sure that you have looked at the ROI for the program, and you also have to give customers real incentives to make another purchase with you.

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