The biggest snow removal service benefits

The road services of Earth developmentcontinue daily snow removal. The expert units of equipment are working on the roads and in micro districts. Recall, according to the Rules for the improvement of the city’s territory, the stored snow can be in micro districts from 7 to 10 days, after which it must be transported to a specialized landfill. For snow removal, residents need to contact the housing department at their place of residence or the management company. There you can also learn about the snow removal schedules in the neighborhoods.

Due to warming, utilities have shifted their priority to snow removal.

In addition, experts from the Department for Nature Management and Ecology of the Administration of Earth developmenturge the heads of enterprises, organizations, institutions, individual entrepreneurs and individuals to comply with the Rules for Landscaping the Territory when clearing snow. Snow should be removed to permanent storage sites as it accumulates and depending on the intensity of snowfall, but at least once a month. For temporary accumulation, sites must be allocated.

When carrying out snow removal, it is prohibited:

  • To scatter, push or take out snow from the territories to the roadway and sidewalks, as well as to the adjacent territory;
  • To lay snow and chipped ice on the routes of heating networks, in thermal chambers, storm wells and on green spaces;
  • To roll snow to the walls of buildings and remove snow from lawns.

If you understand that you will not be able to cope with the winter element on your own or are sure that you are able to find more productive use for your efforts than clearing the area from snow, contact the Snow Plowing managers who will tell you in detail how the snow removal and loading will be carried out. During the conversation, you can clarify the details and features of the work with Earth development company, so that you can choose the best solution to the problem and choose the set of equipment and the composition of the work team that best suits the volume of work and its complexity.

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