4 Ways to Get Mortgage Leads That’s Actually Worth Your Time

As a mortgage broker, you’re in competition with other brokers to get the best deals for your clients. The more potential customers you can find, the better your chances are of closing deals. Finding people who are interested in refinancing or buying a home is how you make money. But sometimes it can feel like you’re spending all day on social media and emailing people who never reply. Here are some tips to help you find mortgage leads that will actually give you results.

1. Email is still your best friend

Email is still your best friend when it comes to finding mortgage leads. There are a few things you can do to make it work for you, like writing personalized subject lines that grab the attention of your potential customers.


Subject lines like “It’s time to refinance” or “Free pre-approval today!” are great examples of subject lines that will reach out to the right people and stimulate their interest. Other strategies you could use include promoting your website on social media and in email marketing campaigns.

2. Stop chasing fish in the sea

A common mistake that mortgage brokers make is focusing on their social media feed and emailing too many people. If you’re constantly reaching out to people who aren’t interested, your potential leads will get burned out.


So don’t spend all day looking at your favorite social media sites or reading the emails in your inbox. Instead, focus on what you can control. To do so, ask yourself the following questions:


  • What are my goals for this week?
  • Am I reaching my target audience?
  • Are my ads getting any results?
  • Are there any mistakes in my ad copy that need to be fixed?

3. Go where they go

A great step to finding leads is to go where your target audience already goes. And that’s social media and email. You should be on a program like Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn so that you can connect with people who are looking for the same thing you are. And then use Mailchimp or any other email marketing service to send emails to people who have signed up for your list.


Another strategy is to find local events in your area that might be relevant to your business, show up at them and promote yourself as a mortgage broker. The idea here is that people who come out of these events are interested in mortgages and they’ll see your name and might come to talk to you about it.


It’s also possible that they won’t remember what they saw at the event the next day when they get an email from you. If this happens, tell them about the event through social media so that they remember what happened and aren’t surprised by a pitch from you later on down the line.

4. Get creative with your marketing

With the sheer volume of leads you’re already sending out, it might seem impossible to find new ones. You might not be doing anything wrong; you just need to get more creative with your marketing.


One idea is to look for ways to reach current customers in a way that’s relevant and personal. For example, if you offer loan closing services, send an email to your current clients asking them how they liked their experience or what could be improved. If they have any suggestions, they’ll likely respond positively and give you great feedback on how to make your service better.


Another option is to sign up for mailing lists from sites like Trulia and Zillow that are geared towards people who are interested in buying or selling a home. These sites will give you access to a wide pool of potential mortgage leads that can be filtered by location or type of property as well as by interests such as affordability or appreciation rates.


The first step to finding the right lead is knowing what to look for. One way to do this is by understanding what your target demographic is. For example, if you’re in the mortgage business and you’re targeting people who are looking to refinance, then you’ll want to focus your marketing efforts on websites that have a high volume of traffic from people in that industry.


Another way is by understanding what types of leads you want, and what’s the most cost-effective way for your business to get them. For example, if you’re a mortgage broker and you want leads that are the most qualified, then you’ll want to focus your marketing efforts on publications with a high number of subscribers.


Lastly, you can get creative with your marketing strategy. For example, if you’re in the mortgage business and you have a website, you could try using Facebook or Google Ads to target local areas.

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