Tips for Better Blogger Outreach

There are over 150 million blogs on the web; and only a few of these manage to stand out from the crowd. So, how do you make sure your blog is among them when the odds of your blog languishing in obscurity are so phenomenal? The answer, blogger outreach.

Unlike marketing your blog randomly through social media, with blogger outreach, you target influencers who will help propel your blog to the popularity levels you desire. So, you have to sit down and come up with a selection of influential bloggers that might give your blog some market presence when they mention it in their social or professional circles.

The Best Approach to Blogger Outreach

Reach Out to the Right People

The idea of a blogger outreach marketing plan is to ensure that your marketing campaign is more targeted. For instance, if your blog is about classic cars, don’t just reach out to any automobile blogger, seek out bloggers who specifically write about this market niche. You obviously need to go through the content these people have written to understand what they are about and the topics they cover. This is going to get you more responses, and the kind of endorsements you need to market your blog.

Create Trust

Make yourself seem trustworthy to the people you reach out to. This will make them more receptive to your requests when you ask for assistance in building the popularity of your blog. You can build trust by following them on social media, commenting on their posts and doing other things that make them consider you a fan or a friend. With such a background, many of them will be happy to return the favor by helping you market your blog.

Make a Proper Pitch

If you have never done blogger outreach before, you might wonder where to begin when sending your message to your chosen contacts. It is very important that you market yourself properly to these individuals to get the right kind of response. This will also help them know what you are about since many people would be wary about endorsing someone they don’t know very well.

Some of the information that should be included in your pitch includes your background and your brand, why you think the two of you could work together, what you expect from the blogger, what you are offering, links to some of the products or services you deal with and so forth.

Use Blogger Outreach Tools

Nowadays, blogger outreach can be automated with the help of many online tools. Additionally, these tools can make your blogger outreach drives more successful. Some of them include BuzzSumo, Traackr, Tomoson, Pitchbox, and BuzzStream. These tools can help you reach your goals, measure your performance, find relevant bloggers, and so forth. Don’t be afraid to use these tools to make your blogger outreach more successful.

Keep Your Messages Short

Since blogger outreach entails reaching out to people you hardly know, you might feel tempted to write a lot of things to explain yourself and what you are trying to achieve. This is not necessary. Just keep your messages short and to the point. Many of these people are busy with a lot of things, and if you cannot make your intentions for messaging known easily, then they might not bother reading everything you have written.


Blogger outreach is very effective in making your brand more popular; when used properly. However, you have to go about it in the right manner if you are to meet with the success you desire. Basically, you should find the right people, create rapport, use blogger outreach tools, and pitch your ideas properly.

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