4 Design Elements You Should Include in Your E-Commerce Store

If you are considering how you can improve your e-commerce store, then one of the first things you might want to think about is how your design functions. Good design can encourage your customers to buy your products, while bad design can cause them to drop off your site and go to a competitors’ sites. This is why it is important to consider your site design when you are planning on building your business online.

Here are design elements you want to make sure your incorporate into your e-commerce store.

1. Clear call-to-actions

You will need to direct your users to different areas on your site, and one of the best ways to do this is by using call-to-actions in order to do so. This doesn’t mean just using texts to send someone from one area to another, but also colors and fonts in order to do so too. The clearer your call-to-actions can be, the more likely you are going to be able to get the number of sales that you want.

2. Consistent branding and colors

How you present yourself to customers can also make a big difference in whether or not your e-commerce store will do. The more consistent you can be with how things look, the more likely your customers are going to see your brand as professional. This also includes colors and which ones you plan on using to distinguish your site from others’. Take some time in order to make sure you are making smart branding choices so that when customers land on your site, they feel comfortable making a purchase.

3. Easy checkout

Getting your checkout process designed correctly can be the defining factor in whether or not your customers will choose your business or not. You can use a tool like headless commerce to test out whether or not your checkout process is performing well or if it can be better optimized or redesigned. By seeing if your customers drop off at a certain point, you can make design changes that will be more likely to affect the outcome of your customers buying your product or service. You might also want to include guest checkout for those who aren’t yet ready to sign up for additional information.

4. Confirmation of order

You’ll also want to confirm that your customer has successfully completed their order by using a page to show them their order number and when they can expect it to be shipped out. You might want to use some affirmative language, icons, and more to show that they will receive what they have come to your e-commerce store for. Make it clear that they have finished the checkout process so they feel comfortable ordering from you again.

In summary

The design elements of your website can make it a success or can cause problems, so you’ll want to make sure you test them out. Once you know which ones work for you, you’re likely to see an increase in sales.

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